Convert Agents into Customer Experience Engineers

To truly engage agents and empower them to continually improve their and the center’s performance, you have to get them to see their job differently.  Agents have to see themselves as customer experience engineers — where every time they listen to a problem, they instinctively think about how can they solve the problem and, more importantly, improve things in the future for the customer, and the organization. 

To inspire agents to become true customer experience engineers, you have to create a strong level of buy-in; and to do that you have to spend a lot of time gathering agent feedback, asking them what you can do to help them provide stellar customer service..   This goes beyond merely asking staff, “What do you think about this before  implementing a new process or program – that’s   only “half feedback.”   It merely elicits reaction from agents, rather than action. The best centers ask agents for their ideas before implementing a new process or program, and empower them to help create, implement and manage these processes/programs.    

Now THAT’S how to turn your agents into customer experience engineers.

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